Page 10 - University of Plymouth


Flies the key to studying the causes of dementia

A research team from the University of Plymouth, University of Southampton and the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center, Vari, Greece, have studied two structurally-similar proteins in the adult brain and ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Flaw in Alzheimer's drug trial test

New research led by Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry suggests that the cognitive test used in Alzheimer's drug trials is flawed.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Acid reflux? It's in the genes

(Medical Xpress)—For many years it has been thought that acid reflux and a related condition called Barrett's Oesophagus were acquired conditions, via diet, smoking and other lifestyle activities. However, recent family ...


Rio athletes may benefit from 'leaky gut' therapy

'Leaky gut' is a condition where the thin mucosal barrier of the gut, which plays a role in absorbing nutrients and preventing large molecules and germs from the gut entering the blood stream, becomes less effective.

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