Page 2 - University of Rochester Medical Center


New images capture unseen details of the synapse

Scientists have created one of the most detailed 3D images of the synapse, the important juncture where neurons communicate with each other through an exchange of chemical signals. These nanometer-scale models will help scientists ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Smartwatches may be key to development of new Parkinson's treatments

New research shows that commercially available smartphones and watches, like the Apple Watch, are able to capture key features of early, untreated Parkinson's disease. These technologies could provide researchers with more ...

Medical research

Common dry cleaning chemical linked to Parkinson's

A common and widely used chemical may be fueling the rise of the world's fastest growing brain condition—Parkinson's disease. For the past 100 years, trichloroethylene (TCE) has been used to decaffeinate coffee, degrease ...

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