University of Sydney


How healthy is your meal kit meal?

With many people spending less time cooking and more time eating out and ordering takeaways, the food industry has adapted by introducing commercial meal kit subscription services that deliver recipes and fresh, pre-measured ...


Body clock genes unravelled

International travellers, shift workers and even people suffering from obesity-related conditions stand to benefit from a key discovery about the functioning of the body's internal clock.


How watching Pixar revealed the dark side of gloss

(Medical Xpress)—A eureka moment while watching a movie for the umpteenth time with his children has led a University of Sydney researcher to achieve a new insight into visual perception, which could benefit traditional ...


Type of early-onset dementia now more detectable

Researchers and clinicians at the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Center have developed a free, online, clinician-administered tool that could greatly increase the likelihood of early detection of primary progressive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sobering effect of the love hormone (w/ Video)

Oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the 'love' or 'cuddle' hormone, has a legendary status in popular culture due to its vital role in social and sexual behaviour and long-term bonding.

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