Page 19 - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio


Doctors overlook chemical illnesses, study finds

Chemical intolerance contributes to the illnesses of 1 in 5 patients but the condition seldom figures in their diagnosis, according to clinical research directed by a UT Medicine San Antonio physician.

Medical research

Hormone curbs depressive-like symptoms in stressed mice

A hormone with anti-diabetic properties also reduces depression-like symptoms in mice, researchers from the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio reported today.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Easter Island drug raises cognition throughout life span

Cognitive skills such as learning and memory diminish with age in everyone, and the drop-off is steepest in Alzheimer's disease. Texas scientists seeking a way to prevent this decline reported exciting results this week with ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Revised ARDS definition sets out levels of severity

An international task force this week unveiled a revised definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a disease first recognized during the Vietnam War in casualties with limb injuries who had trouble breathing.

Medical research

Scientists find differences in naked mole rat's protein disposers

The naked mole rat, a curiously strange, hairless rodent, lives many years longer than any other mouse or rat. Scientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio's Barshop Institute of Longevity and Aging ...

Inflammatory disorders

ICU stays for worst asthma drop 74 percent, review finds

A review of 30 years of life-threatening asthma cases in a San Antonio intensive care unit found that annual ICU admissions for the condition have dropped 74 percent. The study, by UT Medicine San Antonio physicians who reviewed ...

Medical research

Long-lived rodents have high levels of brain-protecting factor

The typical naked mole rat lives 25 to 30 years, during which it shows little decline in activity, bone health, reproductive capacity and cognitive ability. What is the secret to this East African rodent's long, healthy life?

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