Page 2 - University of Utah


Risk of autism associated with when and where forebears lived

When and where are often vital clues for epidemiologists, the medical detectives who help solve the underlying mysteries of disease. The technique dates back to at least 19th century London, where a physician named John Snow ...


Mindfulness training provides a natural high, study finds

New research from the University of Utah finds that a mindfulness meditation practice can produce a healthy altered state of consciousness in the treatment of individuals with addictive behaviors. Not unlike what one might ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Introducing a protocol for using robotic pets in memory care

You might think it was a typical therapy session at a long-term care facility. In a quiet room, a therapist sets down a pet carrier, brings out a cat, and sets it on a resident's lap. As the resident gently strokes the cat's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Safety first: How stigma may impact health

Where do you feel safe? And with whom? Where are the spaces in your life where you can truly relax, let your guard down, and not feel like a threat might be lurking?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness therapy may reduce opioid misuse and chronic pain

Results from a new clinical trial demonstrate that an eight-week mindfulness-based therapy—Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE)—decreased opioid use and misuse while reducing chronic pain symptoms, with effects ...

Oncology & Cancer

Diagnosing breast cancer using skin electrical resistance

Mammograms are a safe, effective way to detect the presence of breast cancer in women. But doctors recommend most females should start getting mammograms after the age of 40 in part because the procedure involves small doses ...

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