Page 2 - University of Vienna

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tired of being alone: How social isolation impacts our energy

Eight hours without social contact can lead to a reduction in energy similar to eight hours without food. In a study conducted in the lab as well as during the COVID-19 lockdowns, participants reported higher levels of tiredness ...


The key role of partners and children in pandemic prevention

Having a partner and, to a lesser extent, having children, leads people aged 50+ to take greater precautions against COVID-19, starting with the choice to get vaccinated. In a study published in PNAS, University of Florence ...

Medical research

Long COVID: New evidence for cause of fatigue syndrome

The diagnosis and treatment of long COVID syndrome (LCS) is still very difficult, and there is only little knowledge about the factors causing accompanying symptoms. Researchers at the Joint Metabolome Facility of the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Higher voice pitch makes female faces appear younger

Psychologists and biologists around Christina Krumpholz and Helmut Leder from the University of Vienna investigated whether voice pitch can influence how female faces are evaluated. Their conclusion: a higher voice does indeed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online art viewing can improve well-being

Viewing art while visiting galleries and museums can have powerful effects on an individual's mood, stress and well-being. But does the same hold true for viewing art in digital space? A new study by psychologists led by ...

Medical economics

Too much self-confidence can endanger health

Older people who overestimate their health go to the doctor less often. This can have serious consequences for their health, for example, when illnesses are detected too late. By contrast, people who think they are sicker ...


New therapeutic option for head and neck carcinomas

The various manifestations of head and neck carcinomas rank sixth in frequency worldwide and are fatal for about half a million people every year. In a quarter of cases, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is caused ...

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