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Search results for tissue engineering


A new way to monitor eye microcirculation

For the eyes to function properly, they must be adequately supplied with blood, and abnormalities in the microcirculation may indicate dysfunctions in other arteries, which are difficult to examine. For the first time, scientists ...


Researchers pioneer noninvasive gene therapy for brain disorders

A new method developed by a research team led by Rice University's Jerzy Szablowski offers hope for treating brain disorders through gene therapy. The innovative approach could transform treatments for inherited conditions ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lab-grown muscles reveal mysteries of rare muscle diseases

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a new technique to better understand and test treatments for a group of extremely rare muscle disorders called dysferlinopathy or limb girdle muscular dystrophies 2B ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Customizable AI tool helps pathologists identify diseased cells

It's something nearly any pathologist would welcome: a personally trained assistant that can help them identify abnormal cells in blood samples and biopsies so they can more quickly and accurately diagnose cancer or other ...

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