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Search results for alcohol


Risky drinking even riskier for women

A concerning number of Australian women are drinking at dangerous levels despite knowing that it is likely to be causing them harm, warn Flinders University researchers.


Hot enough for ya? It may be too hot for your heart health!

It's only the first day of summer and record high temperatures are already being reported across much of the U.S. That's prompted the American Heart Association, celebrating a century of lifesaving service as the world's ...


Video: Exercising with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

About 1 in 500 people have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). It's a condition where the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick. HCM is one of the most common causes of sudden death among young athletes and otherwise healthy ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria might discourage binge drinking

Binge drinking significantly increases the risk of alcohol addiction. In a study published in Microbiome on June 17, a team led by University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers reports that valeric acid, a substance ...


New study establishes best practices for supervised psilocybin

Last year, Oregon became the first state in the nation to provide state-regulated access to supervised services involving mind-altering magic mushrooms—raising the likelihood of introducing psilocybin to many Oregonians ...

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