Search results for health and fitness


Do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level?

You might know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, but do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level? Experts at the American Heart Association think this number may be an even better gauge of heart health.


Fitness versus fatness—which matters more?

There is a longstanding debate in the research community about the importance of fitness versus fatness in health. Are exercise and improving fitness more important than eating well and maintaining a healthy weight?


Having trouble sleeping? Try exercise

The vast majority of people have trouble sleeping from time to time. However, 10 to 20% of the population struggle more than the rest of us and have serious long-term sleep problems.


Hype up fitness to support kids' health post-lockdowns

As COVID-19 reaches record levels in the UK, health experts are calling for a focus on children's physical fitness as new research reveals concerning changes to children's health and physical fitness following the pandemic.

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