Search results for health and fitness


Is the tide turning for kid's fitness?

A new study led by the University of South Australia's Dr. Grant Tomkinson has found that although children's cardiorespiratory (CRF) fitness levels declined in the 80s and 90s, they have stabilised since the year 2000.


Improving academic performance with physical fitness

Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence is beneficial for both physical and mental health throughout life. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that it may also play a key role in brain health and academic performance. ...


Soccer could give homeless men a health kick, study says

Playing street football two or three times a week could halve the risk of early death in homeless men. Research led by the Universities of Exeter and Copenhagen, out today, shows the positive impact of street football on ...


Why sleep is so important for your fitness

When we think of what makes athletes great, few of us would think that sleep might play an important role. But many of the world's best athletes say sleep is an essential part of their training routine and key in helping ...

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