Search results for bone tissue engineering

Medical research

Timed release of turmeric stops cancer cell growth

A Washington State University research team has developed a drug delivery system using curcumin, the main ingredient in the spice turmeric, that successfully inhibits bone cancer cells while promoting growth of healthy bone ...

Biomedical technology

Researcher makes advances in tissue engineering

Every time you walk, run, or pick up a cup of coffee, your joints are at work. For millions of people with osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, these simple movements are incredibly painful.


Laser light offers new tool for treating bone cancer

Of the many ways to treat cancer, the oldest, and maybe most tried and true, is surgery. Even with the advent of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and more experimental treatments like bacteria that seek and destroy cancer ...

Medical research

Engineering new bone growth

MIT chemical engineers have devised a new implantable tissue scaffold coated with bone growth factors that are released slowly over a few weeks. When applied to bone injuries or defects, this coated scaffold induces the body ...

Medical research

Engineered bone marrow could make transplants safer

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed biomimetic bone tissues that could one day provide new bone marrow for patients needing transplants.


New strategies for engineering stable articular cartilage

A new study assesses the effect of the gremlin-1 (GREM1) protein on the in vitro and in vivo stability of bone marrow stem cell (BMSC)-derived cartilage engineered within scaffolds. The study design and results are reported ...


Dual delivery of BMP2 and IGF1 promotes cranial bone defect healing

A new dual delivery system designed to sequentially release BMP2 and IGF1 in microparticles in an injectable hydrogel successfully healed an 8-mm cranial defect in rats. The study design and results are reported in the peer-reviewed ...

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