Search results for bone tissue engineering

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is the cure for genetic beta thalassemia finally within reach?

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland is the first hospital in the West to administer a newly approved gene therapy to treat beta thalassemia, a rare, genetic blood disorder that causes severe anemia, with a need for lifelong ...

Radiology & Imaging

Laser-based system achieves noncontact medical ultrasound imaging

Researchers from MIT Lincoln Laboratory and their collaborators at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Ultrasound Research and Translation (CURT) have developed a new medical imaging device: the Noncontact ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mineralization of bone matrix regulates tumor cell growth

Tumor cells are known to be fickle sleeper agents, often lying dormant in distant tissues for years before reactivating and forming metastasis. Numerous factors have been studied to understand why the activation occurs, from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists develop new technology for targeted cancer therapy

Acoustic tweezers can control target movement through the interaction of momentum between an acoustic wave and an object. Due to their high tissue penetrability and strong acoustic radiation force, such tweezers overcome ...

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