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Search results for pain


New 3D models of the colon can help detect disease more rapidly

Using just a single image taken by a capsule endoscopy camera, scientists have succeeded in creating a three-dimensional model of the colon. This new method provides much better images and can help specialists detect disease ...


Experts say US hospitals are prone to cyberattacks

In the wake of a debilitating cyberattack against one of the nation's largest health care systems, Marvin Ruckle, a nurse at an Ascension hospital in Wichita, Kansas, said he had a frightening experience: He nearly gave a ...


New research questions safety of cannabidiol for pregnant women

Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active ingredients in cannabis, is thought to be safe as it does not cause a "high." Increasing numbers of pregnant women take CBD, believing that it can help alleviate symptoms such as morning ...


The dangers of sneezing—from ejected bowels to torn windpipes

If you were to envision the kind of accident that would cause a person's bowels to explode out of their body, you might imagine some sort of gruesome stabbing or grisly car accident. You'd probably never imagine that something ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study exposes gaps in menstrual health education in English schools

A new study reveals inadequacies in menstrual health education provision in English schools. Findings highlight a lack of practical information being offered, pupils being taught too late, and attitudes that perpetuate stigma. ...

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