Medical research

Rebuilding the salivary gland after radiation

Patients who undergo radiation therapy for head and neck cancers often lose the ability to produce saliva because radiation destroys salivary glands that lie in the way of the tumor.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers decode origin of inflammation-driven pancreatic cancer

Researchers at Mayo Clinic in Florida have revealed the process by which chronic inflammation of the pancreas, pancreatitis, morphs into pancreatic cancer. They say their findings point to ways to identify pancreatitis patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Pancreatic cancer diagnosis under review

A team of researchers of the UPV/EHU together with researchers from the Hospital ClĂ­nico of Barcelona have produced a bibliographical review that summarises the data currently existing on the markers for pancreatic cancer, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study sheds light on how pancreatic cancer begins

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is particularly devastating since the prognosis for recovery is usually poor, with the cancer most often not detected until late stages.

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