
Personalized pain management

There is an urgent need to identify reliable predictors of opioid responses to develop personalized opioid therapy for chronic pain management. A goal is to target opioid therapy to patients most likely to benefit from treatment ...


Inhalation drug may prevent severe pneumonia

Overly active immune cells are often behind lung damage in diseases such as COVID-19. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed an RNA agent for a lung spray that slows the activity of these cells, ...

Medical research

Ticagrelor: Considerable added benefit for specific patients

Since the start of 2011, the active ingredient ticagrelor can be prescribed in Germany in addition to acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) to avoid blood clots in patients with acute ischaemia of the cardiac muscle. The German Institute ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hope for an effective malaria therapy with just one tablet

Approximately 584,000 people worldwide die of malaria each year. The epidemic strongly associated with poverty claims most of its victims in Africa, where it particularly affects the weakest, children and pregnant women. ...


S.Africa in $208 mln AIDS drug venture with Swiss Lonza

South Africa on Friday unveiled plans for a 1.6 billion rand ($208 million, 157 million euro) pharmaceutical plant, in a joint venture with Swiss biochemicals group Lonza to produce anti-AIDS drugs.


Commercial pesticides not as safe as they seem

Lack of information on the effects of all pesticide ingredients makes them appear safer than they are—potentially causing serious harm to people and the environment.


FDA finds more vials of fake cancer drug

(AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is warning doctors that a second counterfeit version of the best-selling cancer drug Avastin has been found in the U.S., packaged as the Turkish brand of the medication.

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