
Study gives a peek at how ketamine acts as 'switch' in the brain

Ketamine, an established anesthetic and increasingly popular antidepressant, dramatically reorganizes activity in the brain, as if a switch had been flipped on its active circuits, according to a new study by Penn Medicine ...

Overweight & Obesity

Fructose and sugar substitutes alter gut microbiota

(HealthDay)—High consumption of fructose, artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols affect host-gastrointestinal microbe interactions and may contribute to the development of metabolic disorders and obesity, according to ...

Oncology & Cancer

Exercise improves quality of life during breast cancer treatment

Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer might fight off distressing side effects and improve psychological well-being by staying off the couch. According to the University of Miami (UM) study, women who are physically ...


Patients missing out on arthritis drugs, shows study

A class of drugs that has been successfully treating patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis should be made available for moderate suffers, too, University of Manchester scientists say.

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