Psychology & Psychiatry

Future tension: Mad enough to tax soda

(Medical Xpress)—Simply reading about a future marketing campaign – a plan to pitch sugary soda to kids using NBA basketball and hip-hop music themes – makes some adults mad enough to slap a tax on soda.


Study examines Hispanic youth exposure to food, beverage TV ads

Hispanic preschoolers, children and adolescents viewed, on average about 12 foods ads per day on television in 2010, with the majority of these ads appearing on English-language TV, whereas fast-food represented a higher ...


Campaign has smokers listening to smoking's victims

(HealthDay)—A frank and graphic nationwide media campaign to motivate smokers to quit seems to be working, say researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Anti-tobacco TV ads help adults stop smoking, study finds

Anti-tobacco television advertising helps reduce adult smoking, according to a study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Institute for Health Research and Policy -- but some ads may be more effective ...


CDC: Ads spark huge increase to quit smoking line

(AP) -- More than twice as many people called a toll-free number to help them quit smoking a week after the launch of a $54 million ad campaign that shows graphic images of diseased smokers, federal health officials said ...

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