Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness may reduce opioid cravings, study finds

People suffering from opioid addiction and chronic pain may have fewer cravings and less pain if they use both mindfulness techniques and medication for opioid dependence, according to Rutgers and other researchers.


J&J agrees $20.4 mn payment in Ohio opioid case

US healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday announced it had reached a $20.4 million settlement to avoid a much-anticipated trial in Ohio for allegedly fueling the opioid addiction crisis.


Beating opioid addiction can be tough: Here's what helps

A constant barrage of news on America's opioid epidemic stokes feelings of hopelessness, and with good reason: Every day, more than 130 people are dying from overdoses, according to government statistics.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Shopping addiction is a real disorder

UK-based healthcare group the Priory is well-known for treating gambling, sex, drug, alcohol and computing addictions—especially of the rich and famous. Now it has added a new condition to its list: shopping addiction.


Report: Opioids settlement won't fix areas hardest hit

OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma's tentative legal settlement over the toll of the nation's opioid crisis is unlikely to reverse the consequences of the epidemic in the hardest-hit towns and regions, according to a report released ...

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