Psychology & Psychiatry

Girls self-harming at much higher rates than boys

(Medical Xpress)—Adolescent girls are self-harming at much higher rates than boys, and almost one-in-five of those who have self-harmed have done so in front of others, new research has found.


Communication key to adolescent health outcomes

Improved communication between pediatric providers and the parents and guardians of adolescents could lead to better health outcomes, a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study reports. The findings are available ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How are children affected by maternal anxiety and depression?

Maternal symptoms of anxiety and depression increased the risk of emotional and disruptive problem behaviors in children as early as 18 months of age, according to new research findings from the TOPP study. The risk persisted ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social withdrawal, isolation should be addressed in young

(HealthDay)—Following the Newtown, Conn., shooting on Dec. 14 by Adam Lanza, the question of social withdrawal and isolation needs to be addressed, according to a perspective piece published online Dec. 28 in the New England ...

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