Psychology & Psychiatry

Key traits young people look for in trusted adults

One in every two young people relies in some way on a trusted adult who is either a paid or volunteer worker in their community, new UNSW research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children with behavioral problems more at risk of inflammation

Children with behavioral problems may be at risk of many chronic diseases in adulthood including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, as well as inflammatory illnesses (conditions which are caused by cell damage).

Autism spectrum disorders

A mother's hopes and worries for adult sons with autism

(HealthDay)—Judy Blake knows all too well the difficulties that children with autism face when transitioning to adulthood. That's because she has two sons with autism spectrum disorders who are now legally considered adults.


Child obesity tied to cardiovascular damage in childhood

(HealthDay)—Child obesity often is accompanied by cardiovascular abnormalities, and early detection and prevention programs are needed to avoid progressive damage at an early age, according to research published online ...

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