
Junk food advertising is too tempting for children

Children describe junk food advertising as 'tempting' and 'addictive', and say they could 'lick the screen', according to a new report from Cancer Research UK published today (Tuesday).


'Body shaming' ads banned from London transport

Adverts that are likely to cause people to have "body confidence issues" will be banned from London's public transport network from next month, mayor Sadiq Khan announced on Monday.


Public smoking ban for Ethiopia's capital

A ban on smoking at public gatherings has been announced by the mayor of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, according to local media reports on Wednesday.


FDA effort aims to curb smoking in LGBT community

The Food and Drug Administration's latest anti-smoking campaign takes aim at young adults in the LGBT community, who officials say are nearly twice as likely to use tobacco as their peers.


Singapore to ban cigarette displays in stores

Singapore's parliament on Monday voted to ban the display of cigarettes in a bid to further curb the habit in a nation which already has one of the world's lowest smoking rates.

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