
Why do women get statins less frequently than men?

Women are less likely than men to be treated with cholesterol-lowering statins—or get them prescribed at guideline-recommended intensity levels when they do, according to a new study that also looked at reasons behind the ...


Cannabidiol reduces aggressiveness, study concludes

A new study has concluded that cannabidiol attenuates the aggressiveness induced by social isolation. The research, based on a mouse model, was performed by scientists at the University of São Paulo's Ribeirão Preto Medical ...

Oncology & Cancer

Noninvasive test improves detection of aggressive prostate cancer

A team of researchers from UCLA and the University of Toronto have identified a new biomarker found in urine that can help detect aggressive prostate cancer, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of men each year from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Prostate cancer urine test shows who needs treatment and when

Researchers at the University of East Anglia and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital have developed a urine test to diagnose aggressive prostate cancer and predict whether patients will require treatment up to five ...

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