Oncology & Cancer

Study finds double mastectomy tied to more missed work

Women who pursue a more aggressive surgery for early stage breast cancer have nearly eight times the odds of reporting substantial employment disruptions, according to a new study from University of Michigan Comprehensive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Brain cancer growth halted by absence of protein, study finds

The growth of certain aggressive brain tumors can be halted by cutting off their access to a signaling molecule produced by the brain's nerve cells, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School ...


Asthma drug tied to nightmares, depression

(HealthDay)—The asthma medication Singulair (montelukast) appears linked to neuropsychiatric side effects, such as depression, aggression, nightmares and headaches, according to a new review by Dutch researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teenage aggression linked to neglect

Nearly half of all teenagers investigated for neglect by Ontario's child welfare agencies and exhibiting signs of aggression are abandoned by their parents. This is because the parents are not willing or able to remain the ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Differences in aggression among people with dementia

Physical aggression among people with dementia is not unusual. A study from Lund University in Sweden showed that one-third of patients with the diagnosis Alzheimer's disease or frontotemporal dementia were physically aggressive ...

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