
Spatial dimension of macrophage heterogeneity in liver diseases

The hepatic immune landscape is a dynamic compartment, notably composed of highly heterogeneous and adapting myeloid cells. Liver resident macrophage distribution across the tissue and bone-marrow derived monocyte accumulation ...

Endocrinology & Metabolism

New research offers prospects to measure metabolic rate

Scientists from Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology have proven that along with the level of biochemical substances in the living organism, we can also measure the substances' turnover rate. This analysis will improve ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists find omega-3 lysolipids may prevent fatty liver disease

Long-running research by Duke-NUS Medical School into the omega-3 transporter protein Mfsd2a has shown that it plays a key role in a specific mechanism that prevents the liver from storing too much fat from food. Published ...

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