
You may have to watch what your fruits and veggies eat

People with food allergies always have to watch what they eat. Now, they may have to watch what their fruits and vegetables eat, as it seems it's possible to have an allergic reaction to antibiotic residues in food.


Bad bite: A tick can make you allergic to red meat

A bug can turn you into a vegetarian, or at least make you swear off red meat. Doctors across the U.S. are seeing a surge of sudden meat allergies in people bitten by a certain kind of tick.

Inflammatory disorders

Maternal stress during pregnancy linked to asthma risk in offspring

During pregnancy, many women make a concerted effort to keep stress levels low—and for good reason. Maternal stress has been linked to a number of negative outcomes for women and their infants, including developmental and ...


Peanuts don't panic parents as much as milk and eggs

It's tough being the parent of a child with food allergies. Constant vigilance is needed for everything your child eats, when a single food item containing a hidden ingredient can be fatal. Although worry is a factor for ...

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