
When do allergy shots become necessary?

The beauty of spring is upon us, but as lovely as it may be to look at, it can wreak havoc in your nose, throat and eyes. The higher the pollen count, the greater the misery.


Under-the-tongue tablets trick immune system to fight allergies

Asha Patel knows more about what goes into your lungs than you do. Every weekday at 8 a.m., the researcher climbs onto the roof of Allegheny General Hospital, in Pittsburgh, to check a machine called a Burkard Spore Trap. ...


New allergy tablets offer alternative to shots

For decades, seasonal allergy sufferers had two therapy options to ease the misery of hay fever. They could swallow pills or squirt nasal sprays every day for brief reprieves from the sneezing and itchy eyes. Or they could ...


Allergic to gummy bears? Be cautious getting the flu shot

Do marshmallows make your tongue swell? Gummy bears make you itchy? If you've answered yes and are allergic to gelatin, you will want to take some precautions when getting the flu shot. While the vaccine is recommended for ...


Defining allergy fact from fiction

From gluten allergy and hypoallergenic pets, to avoiding the flu shot because of an egg allergy, there are a lot of common myths and misconceptions about allergies. Many might be shocking due to a great deal of false information ...


Egg-allergic children now have no barriers to flu shot

All children should have flu shots, even if they have an egg allergy, and it's now safe to get them without special precautions. This finding is from the latest update on the safety of the flu vaccine for allergic patients, ...

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