
Indianapolis pharmacy recalls compounded drugs

(AP)—A pharmacy that makes specialty medications is recalling nearly 100 compounded drugs after federal regulators found potential safety problems during an inspection.


Fringe therapy may help heart patients, study finds

A treatment that removes heavy metals from the body has long been touted as an alternative therapy to combat hardening arteries. Now a 10-year, $31 million clinical trial has found that chelation therapy does help heart attack ...

Oncology & Cancer

The right dose for oncology

EPFL researchers develop a tool for oncologists using the electrical signature of cancer cells to get just the right treatment dosage for each patient.


Can qigong reduce cocaine cravings in early addiction recovery?

Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs of abuse. Few effective treatments are available to help control cravings and withdrawal symptoms among individuals undergoing therapy to overcome cocaine abuse. Promising results ...

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