Medical research

Researchers zero in on type of cancer that killed John McCain

Hope for treating the kind of brain cancer that took the life of U.S. Sen. John McCain lies with a compound, identified by researchers at UWM and the Medical College of Wisconsin, that slows the growth of this aggressive ...


Machine learning can improve chemical toxicity prediction

(HealthDay)—Machine learning of toxological big data can predict the toxicity of chemicals, and may be more reliable than animal testing, according to a study published in the September issue of Toxicological Sciences.

Oncology & Cancer

Breakthrough could end animal testing in carcinogen research

Animal testing has been at the heart of chemical safety assessments since the 1970s. Looking at the most recent figures, in 2011, more than a million animals were used to test whether chemicals would be harmful to humans ...

Medical research

A new method for testing vaccine safety

Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS and Sanofi Pasteur have recently developed a novel alternative method to animal testing that can be used to verify the safety of vaccines such as yellow fever vaccine. This original ...

Medical research

Organs on microchips for safe drug testing

Miniaturized organs on a chip enable drug tests prior to application to humans. At Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the team of Professor Ute Schepers has developed such an organ-on-a-chip system with accurately modeled ...


Cognitive test predicts elderly insulin injection success

(HealthDay)—A cognitive test involving animal name recall can predict which elderly patients succeed in mastering an insulin self-injection technique within one week, according to a study published online Aug. 28 in the ...

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