Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some antidepressants may initially worsen symptoms

New research helps explain a paradoxical effect of certain antidepressants—that they may actually worsen symptoms before helping patients feel better. The findings, highlighted in a paper publishing online December 17 in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Molecular profiling of Ketamine's rapid antidepressant effect

One third of the patients with major depressive disorder suffer from treatment resistance and do not respond to commonly used antidepressants. Ketamine, a drug that works through a different mechanism, improves depressive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Autophagy and antidepressants

FK506 binding protein 51 (FKBP51) regulates acute and chronic effects of treatment with antidepressants via autophagic pathways (processes by which cells break down and recycle their components) in mice and is linked to the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Single dose of antidepressant changes the brain

A single dose of antidepressant is enough to produce dramatic changes in the functional architecture of the human brain. Brain scans taken of people before and after an acute dose of a commonly prescribed SSRI (serotonin ...


Drugs for depression linked with failure of dental implants

A team from McGill University has discovered that people who take the most common antidepressants (such as Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft, the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs) are twice as likely ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why does the placebo response work in treating depression?

(Medical Xpress)—In the past three decades, the power of placebos has gone through the roof in treating major depressive disorder. In clinical trials for treating depression over that period of time, researchers have reported ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nutrient combination super pill to treat depression

(Medical Xpress)—A new University of Melbourne and University of Queensland study will help people suffering from clinical depression by offering them new combination of nutrient-based medications to enhance mood.

Attention deficit disorders

ADHD study flags pre-natal use of antidepressants

Children born to women who took antidepressants during pregnancy are statistically likelier to develop the mental disorder called ADHD, researchers said on Tuesday.


Antidepressants show potential for postoperative pain

(Medical Xpress)—After a systematic review of clinical trials based on administering antidepressants for acute and chronic postsurgical pain, researchers have concluded that more trials are needed to determine whether these ...

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