Oncology & Cancer

T cells can activate themselves to fight tumors

When you need a bit of motivation, it often has to come from within. New research suggests cancer-fighting immune cells have found a way to do just that.

Medical research

Video imaging reveals how immune cells sense danger

How do T cells, the beat cops of the immune system, detect signs of disease without the benefit of eyes? Like most cells, they explore their surroundings through direct physical contact, but how T cells feel out intruders ...

Medical research

Catch the fever: It'll help you fight off infection

With cold and flu season almost here, the next time you're sick, think twice before taking something for your fever. That's because scientists have found more evidence that elevated body temperature helps certain types of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop dual anti-tumor vaccine

A research team at the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), has discovered that exosomes derived from γδ-T cells not only have direct anti-tumor effects but also, when developed into a tumor vaccine, ...

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