
Olive oil is good for you—in more ways than one

Olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean diet and is considered by many to be a natural health-food product. Until recently, the known protective effects of olive oil against oxidative stress-associated diseases, ...


Fruit-rich diet might lower aneurysm risk

(HealthDay)—Eating lots of fruit might decrease your risk of developing a dangerous abdominal aortic aneurysm, according to a large, long-running study.


Watermelon juice relieves post-exercise muscle soreness

Watermelon juice's reputation among athletes is getting scientific support in a new study, which found that juice from the summer favorite fruit can relieve post-exercise muscle soreness. The report in ACS' Journal of Agricultural ...

Medical research

Putting the brakes on pain

Neuropathic pain—pain that results from a malfunction in the nervous system—is a daily reality for millions of Americans. Unlike normal pain, it doesn't go away after the stimulus that provoked it ends, and it also behaves ...


Do antioxidants improve a woman's chances of conceiving?

There is no high quality evidence that antioxidant supplements help to increase a woman's chances of having a baby, according to the results of a new systematic review. The review, published in The Cochrane Library, found ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Antioxidants—too much of a good thing?

In older men, a natural antioxidant compound found in red grapes and other plants—called resveratrol—blocks many of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise, according to research published in The Journal of Physiology.

Oncology & Cancer

New paper offers insights into how cancer cells avoid cell death

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by a team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame provides an important new insight into how cancer cells are able to avoid the cell death process. The findings may reveal a novel chemotherapeutic ...


Copper on the brain

(Medical Xpress)—The value of copper has risen dramatically in the 21st century as many a thief can tell you, but in addition to the thermal and electrical properties that make it such a hot commodity metal, copper has ...

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