
Adding antioxidants to a sun protection plan

With winter finally in the rearview mirror, many people are making plans for fun outdoors. But don't stop at sunscreen and a hat for sun protection: a UC Health skin care specialist recommends adding another item to your ...


Antioxidants can protect against omega 6 damage—or promote it

Given omega 6 fatty acid's reputation for promoting cancer—at least in animal studies—researchers are examining the role that antioxidants play in blocking the harmful effects of this culprit, found in many cooking oils. ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Native plum likely new weapon against Alzheimer's

West Australian researchers are confident the native Australian fruit Kakadu plum could provide the most powerful antioxidant treatment yet in combating Alzheimer's disease.


Strawberries lower cholesterol

A team of volunteers ate half a kilo of strawberries a day for a month to see whether it altered their blood parameters in any way. At the end of this unusual treatment, their levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides reduced ...

Medical research

Researchers explain why some wound infections become chronic

Chronic wounds affect an estimated 6.5 million Americans at an annual cost of about $25 billion. Further, foot blisters and other diabetic ulcers or sores account for the vast majority of foot and leg amputations in the United ...

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