
The dark side of antibiotic ciprofloxacin

The use of ciprofloxacin and other antibiotics of the class of fluoroquinolones may be associated with disruption of the normal functions of connective tissue, including tendon rupture, tendonitis and retinal detachment. ...


Good oral hygiene may help recovery after a heart attack

Good oral hygiene may help recovery after acute cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and aortic dissection, according to research presented today at Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) 2018, a European Society ...


New target found for treating thoracic aortic aneurysm

It's a silent, sudden and almost assured killer: a thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) occurs when a weak spot or bulge in the body's main pipeline for pumping blood suddenly ruptures, cutting off the supply of life-sustaining ...

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