
Why do more women have asthma than men? Blame hormones

Women are twice as likely as men to have asthma, and this gender difference may be caused by the effects of sex hormones on lung cells. Researchers at Vanderbilt University and Johns Hopkins found that testosterone hindered ...


Dogs may protect against childhood eczema and asthma

"Good dog!" Two studies being presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting show there may be even more reason to love your dog. The first study shows babies born in ...


Smart inhaler to help asthma sufferers breathe easier

With almost 30 million people under the age of 45 living with asthma in Europe, new 'smart inhalers' may provide better ways of treating the disease and help scientists understand what is driving this growing global epidemic.

Inflammatory disorders

Children with asthma are being prescribed unnecessary antibiotics

Children with asthma are more likely to be prescribed antibiotics even though there is no evidence that they need them any more than children without asthma, according to research to be presented at the European Respiratory ...

Inflammatory disorders

City kids with asthma suffer less if they live near a park

Milan, Italy: Children with asthma who live in the city may have fewer days with symptoms the closer they live to parks and green spaces, according to research to be presented at the European Respiratory Society International ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Steroids not effective for chest infections in non-asthmatic adults

Oral steroids should not be used for treating acute lower respiratory tract infection (or 'chest infections') in adults who don't have asthma or other chronic lung disease, as they do not reduce the duration or severity of ...


What are the best ways to diagnose and manage asthma?

What are the best ways to diagnose and manage asthma in adults? This can be tricky because asthma can stem from several causes and treatment often depends on what is triggering the asthma.

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