Inflammatory disorders

New drug therapy for young children with severe eczema

A biologic therapy for very young children with a moderate to severe form of a common skin condition has been shown to be safe and effective in an international trial which involved University of Manchester clinical scientists ...


Fighting the bacteria that exacerbate eczema with bacteria

In a new study out of University of California San Diego School of Medicine, researchers have identified a universal strain of bacteria derived from healthy human skin that can treat the most common type of eczema, also known ...


Adjusting diet has pros and cons for treating eczema, study says

People with mild or moderate eczema may gain some relief from their condition by adjusting their diets, but there are important downsides that make diets for eczema not a choice to take lightly, says McMaster University researcher ...

Inflammatory disorders

Do skin moisturizers help prevent eczema in infants?

Atopic dermatitis (AD), also called atopic eczema, is the most common, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory disorder of the skin, and it affects 5–30% of children worldwide. An analysis in the Journal of the European Academy ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New insight into how atopic dermatitis develops

Atopic dermatitis, a common skin condition affecting both children and adults, is often thought of as an inflammatory disease that arises from a breakdown in the barrier function of the skin. Now a new study pinpoints a cascade ...

Inflammatory disorders

Patients with inflammatory skin diseases have high stress scores

About two-thirds of patients with inflammatory skin diseases have high reported stress scores, according to a letter to the editor published online Feb. 19 in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

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