Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover how breast cancer hibernates: study

Scientists have identified the mechanism that allows breast cancer cells to lie dormant in other parts of the body only to reemerge years later with lethal force, according to a study published Tuesday.

Oncology & Cancer

Study offers new approach to starve p53 deficient tumors

One major hallmark of cancer cells is their ability to adapt to stressful conditions such as nutrient deprivation. Rapidly growing tumor cells must compete for the ever-diminishing supply of nutrients in the surrounding environment ...


Resistance training enhances recycling capacity in muscles

A new study at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, reports that autophagosome content is increased by resistance training in previously untrained young men, but this response may be blunted by aging. Autophagy is a major ...


Gut bacteria: It can be good, and bad, for health

The human microbiome—the trillions of tiny bacteria that live in and on our bodies—is emerging as an increasingly important player in health and wellness. But, our co-existence with these organisms is complex, and scientists ...


Cellular self-digestion process triggers autoimmune disease

Autophagy refers to a fundamental recycling process of cells that occurs in yeast, fungi, plants, as well as animals and humans. This process allows cells to degrade their own components and thus activate energy resources ...

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