
How songbirds may help build a better hearing aid

(Medical Xpress)—Untreated hearing loss can have devastating and alienating repercussions on a person's life: isolation, depression, sapped cognition, even dementia.


Does 'free will' stem from brain noise?

Our ability to make choices—and sometimes mistakes—might arise from random fluctuations in the brain's background electrical noise, according to a recent study from the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, ...


What you hear could depend on what your hands are doing

New research links motor skills and perception, specifically as it relates to a second finding—a new understanding of what the left and right brain hemispheres "hear." Georgetown University Medical Center researchers say ...


Study shows background noise affects test scores

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study presented at the 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America shows that students testing scores are negatively affected by background noise, but not the noise you would expect. The background ...

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