Medical research

New pain target for bacterial infections

Components in the outer wall of bacteria directly activate pain sensors, triggering immediate pain and inflammatory responses. This finding by a multinational team of researchers led by Professor Karel Talavera (KU Leuven, ...

Medical research

Bacteria tails implicated in gut inflammation

In healthy individuals, the only thing that separates the lining of the human gut from the some 100 trillion bacterial cells in the gastrointestinal tract is a layer of mucous.

Medical research

Researchers discover new treatment to cure MRSA infection

Recent work from University Distinguished Professor of Biology Kim Lewis promises to overcome one of the leading public health threats of our time. In a groundbreaking study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, Lewis' ...


Red grapes, blueberries may enhance immune function

In an analysis of 446 compounds for their the ability to boost the innate immune system in humans, researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University discovered just two that stood out from the crowd – ...

Medical research

Team finds molecule that triggers septic shock

The body's immune system is set up much like a home security system; it has sensors on the outside of cells that act like motion detectors—floodlights—that click on when there's an intruder rustling in the bushes, bacteria ...

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