Obstetrics & gynaecology

New findings in the vaginal microbiome

A new study published in Human Reproduction shows that the menstrual phase has effects on the microbiome. "This will be very important for planning future studies, both in basic science and for interventions aiming to improve ...


PopPUNK advances speed of bacterial pathogen surveillance

Differences in genetic diversity among bacterial pathogens correlate with clinically important factors, such as virulence and antimicrobial resistance, prompting the need to identify clusters of similar bacterial strains. ...

Inflammatory disorders

Respiratory microbiome may influence inflammation in CF

(HealthDay)—Reduced bacterial diversity in the upper and lower airways in infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) is associated with use of prophylactic antibiotics and younger age at sampling, while less diversity in lavage ...

Medical research

Bacteria on your hands reflect the country you live in

(Medical Xpress)—Where and how you live strongly influences both the type and number of microbes you carry on your hands, according to a new international study led by scientists at Yale and Stanford.


Why smokers gain weight when they quit smoking

Most smokers put on a couple of kilos when they quit smoking. This is not due to an increased calorie intake, but to a change in the composition of the intestinal flora after quitting smoking, as a study supported by the ...

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