Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

America's dogs have their own flu battles

(HealthDay)—While a brutal flu season is felling humans by the score, veterinarians warn that there have also been outbreaks of canine flu in some parts of the United States.


Microbiome research refines HIV risk for women

Drawing from data collected for years by AIDS researchers in six African nations, scientists have pinpointed seven bacterial species whose presence in high concentrations may significantly increase the risk of HIV infection ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cholera 'stabilising' DR Congo capital: MSF

A cholera outbreak in the DR Congo capital Kinshasa is stabilising and moving in a downward trend, the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres said on Wednesday.


Human rhinovirus commonly detected in febrile infants

(HealthDay)—For febrile infants, human rhinovirus (HRV) is common, and detection does not alter risk of concomitant urinary tract infection or invasive bacterial infection, according to a study published online Jan. 17 ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pneumonia treatment with vaccines instead of antibiotics

Mycoplasma bacteria are one of the most common causes of bacterial pneumonia in children. It is still unclear how the disease develops. Researchers from the University Children's Hospital Zurich and UZH have now demonstrated ...


Water baths as good as bleach baths for treating eczema

For patients suffering from eczema (atopic dermatitis), dermatologists will sometimes recommend bleach baths to decrease bacterial infection and reduce symptoms. But a new Northwestern Medicine study found no difference in ...

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