
Scientists discover neurodegenerative disease in monkeys

OHSU scientists have discovered a naturally occurring disease in monkeys that mimics a deadly childhood neurodegenerative disorder in peopleā€”a finding that holds promise for developing new gene therapies to treat Batten ...

Medical research

Researchers solve mystery surrounding a form of Batten disease

A team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has uncovered an unexpected mechanism that can explain a form of Batten disease called neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 8. The findings published in the journal Nature ...


Batten disease may benefit from gene therapy

In a study of dogs, scientists showed that a new way to deliver replacement genes may be effective at slowing the development of childhood Batten disease, a rare and fatal neurological disorder. The key may be to inject viruses ...


Pulling the plug on the first gene therapy drug

2017 is supposed to be the year that FDA finally approves a gene therapy. But last week, the company behind the first approved gene therapy in Europe,, announced that it won't "pursue the renewal of marketing ...

Medical research

Solving the CNL6 mystery in Batten disease

Batten disease is a family of 13 rare, genetically distinct conditions. Collectively, they are the most prevalent cause of neurodegenerative disease in children, affecting 1 in 12,500 live births in the U.S. One of the Batten ...

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