
Is bedtime media use detrimental for sleep?

New research published in the Journal of Sleep Research has examined how sleep might be impacted by media use—such as watching movies, television, or YouTube videos; browsing the Internet; or listening to music—before ...


Why do we rebel against bedtime?

It's late, and although you know you'll pay the price tomorrow, you start streaming another episode, browsing social media or answering emails. You know it's a bad idea—so why do you do it anyway? That's what University ...


Study defines ideal children's bedtime routine

A study by a University of Manchester psychologist has scientifically defined for the first time what constitutes a good bedtime routine for children between the ages of 2 and 8.


Booze robbing many Americans of their sleep

(HealthDay)—Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have lost sleep because they drank alcohol too close to bedtime, including 1 in 5 who often have this problem, a new poll shows.

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