
Six foods that may help win the blood pressure battle

In the United States more than 77 million adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, which can cause heart disease and stroke. In the October issue of Food Technology magazine, Contributing Editor Linda Milo Ohr ...


Why a little beet it goes a long way

(Medical Xpress)—Athletes no longer ask whether beetroot juice improves sporting performance - they just want to know how much to drink, and when.


How eating bread can lower your blood pressure

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study from the University of Reading has found that even small doses of beetroot juice lower blood pressure. In addition, bread enriched with either white or red beetroot had a similar effect.


Research reveals new secret weapon for Le Tour

Winning margins in the Tour de France can be tight – last year just 39 seconds separated the top two riders after more than 90 hours in the saddle. When every second counts, riders do everything possible to gain a competitive ...

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