Psychology & Psychiatry

Panic attacks troubling, but treatable

Actress Amanda Seyfried says she undergoes therapy for them. They were a staple of the cable TV show "The Sopranos." And in probably the most high-profile occurrence of the past year, pro golfer Charlie Beljan had one on ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's treatment can trigger creativity

Parkinson's experts across the world have been reporting a remarkable phenomenon—many patients treated with drugs to increase the activity of dopamine in the brain as a therapy for motor symptoms such as tremors and muscle ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Drug helps women who stop smoking keep weight off

A medication being tested to help smokers kick the habit also may help avoid the weight gain that is common after quitting but only in women, according to a study published in the December issue of Biological Psychiatry. ...


Sacrificing sleep to study can lead to academic problems

Regardless of how much a high school student generally studies each day, if that student sacrifices sleep in order to study more than usual, he or she is more likely to have academic problems the following day. Because students ...


Binge eating may lead to addiction-like behaviors

A history of binge eating -- consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time -- may make an individual more likely to show other addiction-like behaviors, including substance abuse, according to Penn State College ...

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