Psychology & Psychiatry

Racial discrimination affects brain microstructure

Racial discrimination increases the risk for physical and mental illnesses, and Black women suffer from diseases at significantly higher rates than White women. How traumatic experiences such as discrimination increase vulnerability ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

CBT? DBT? Psychodynamic? What type of therapy is right for me?

Since ancient times, cultures across the world have understood that human suffering can have psychological causes. At its core, psychotherapy is working with another person to help identify and address emotional challenges ...


Using brain imaging to pierce the mystery of human behavior

In the Medical Image Processing Lab, Dimitri Van De Ville and Thomas Bolton have studied the impact that computational imaging has on cognitive and clinical neuroscience by reviewing more than one hundred articles.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why your best idea may be your second favorite

Michelangelo reportedly said the job of every sculptor is to discover the statue inside the stone, then work around it. Liberate the form.

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