
Do microglia hold the key to stop Alzheimer's disease?

A Leuven research team led by Prof. Bart De Strooper (VIB-KU Leuven, UK DRI) studied how specialized brain cells called microglia respond to the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain, a feature typical of Alzheimer's. ...


How fish brain cells react to Alzheimer's disease

Zebrafish, in contrast to humans, have outstanding regenerative capacities: If brain cells are lost due to illness or injury, they will easily regrow from so-called progenitor cells. With sophisticated methods, researchers ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Tiny worm mimics key genetic risk for Alzheimer's

Researchers at The University of Alabama have shown a tiny worm can replicate genetic causes of Alzheimer's disease, expanding the breadth of preclinical models for the disease.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuronal cytoskeletons involved in Alzheimer's disease

A researcher at the UPV/EHU participated in a study describing the loss of dynamics and subsequent impairment of the dendritic spines in Alzheimer's disease. Dendritic spines are the compartments of neurons responsible for ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

In search of an Alzheimer's cure

For decades, the field of Alzheimer's research has been dominated by a major hypothesis: that a build-up of beta amyloid (amyloid-β) in the brain causes Alzheimer's disease. However, despite years of research and billions ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's treatment shows unique results

In late July there were reports in the media from a conference in Chicago about Alzheimer's disease. The focus of journalists' attention was a new study of how the progression of the disease is affected by the BAN2401 antibody, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study points to new method to deliver drugs to the brain

Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) have discovered a potentially new approach to deliver therapeutics more effectively to the brain. The research could have implications for the treatment of ...

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