Medical research

Fighting the spread of viruses: Producing cheap vaccines, quickly

(Medical Xpress)—Immunising people with vaccines that are quick and inexpensive to produce is the answer to preventing large-scale spread of infectious disease, Professor Anton Middelberg from UQ's Australian Institute ...

Oncology & Cancer

Test developed to detect early-stage diseases with naked eye

Scientists have developed a prototype ultra-sensitive sensor that would enable doctors to detect the early stages of diseases and viruses with the naked eye, according to research published today in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.


Protein found to regulate red blood cell size and number

The adult human circulatory system contains between 20 and 30 trillion red blood cells (RBCs), the precise size and number of which can vary from person to person. Some people may have fewer, but larger RBCs, while others ...

Medical research

Tackling knee pain

(Medical Xpress) -- Running backwards can provide important insights on forces in the knee joint which can help people struggling with knee pain, a University study has found.

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