Overweight & Obesity

Time of day may determine the amount of fat burned by exercise

Physical activity at the right time of the day seems able to increase fat metabolism, at least in mice. A new study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark shows that mice that did ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pandemic's many effects on older women documented

A new supplemental issue to The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, titled "The Impact, Experience, and Challenges of COVID-19: The Women's Health Initiative (WHI)," explores key areas ...


New method to detect oxygen consumption in the brain

The human brain consumes an immense amount of energy and needs an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to maintain its activity. Therefore, the brain is equipped with a network of delicate blood vessels that transport oxygen molecules ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The early bird may just get the worm

Night owls may be looking forward to falling back into autumn standard time but a new study from the University of Ottawa has found Daylight Saving Time may also suit morning types just fine.

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