
For sleep struggles, women urged to alter routines

(HealthDay) -- Driven to sleeplessness by the effects of stress and the demands of their own biology, women are more likely than men to have serious sleep problems, experts say.


Alzheimer's drugs may have adverse side effects

Alzheimer's disease drugs now being tested in clinical trials may have potentially adverse side effects, according to new Northwestern Medicine research. A study with mice suggests the drugs could act like a bad electrician, ...


How supplements could prevent hearing loss

(Medical Xpress) -- International researchers will gather in London this week to discuss their research on preventing hearing loss with dietary supplements.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Greek crisis has biological health effects

Young adults in Greece suffer more from stress and mental health problems and are less optimistic about the future than Swedes of the same age. The grave financial problems in Greece have brought on a social crisis that has ...


Understanding the health benefits of flavanols

It is no secret that if you eat right you feel better and last longer. Nutrition - our daily diet - is a major lifestyle factor, greatly influencing human health and disease. For example, medical evidence has long shown that ...

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