
New method helps link genomic variation to protein production

Scientists have adopted a novel laboratory approach for determining the effect of genetic variation on the efficiency of the biological process that translates a gene's DNA sequence into a protein, such as hemoglobin, according ...


Researchers discover a biological marker of dyslexia

(Medical Xpress)—Though learning to read proceeds smoothly for most children, as many as one in 10 is estimated to suffer from dyslexia, a constellation of impairments unrelated to intelligence, hearing or vision that make ...


Study finds chronic alcohol use shifts brain's control of behavior

(Medical Xpress)—Chronic alcohol exposure leads to brain adaptations that shift behavior control away from an area of the brain involved in complex decision-making and toward a region associated with habit formation, according ...


Aspirin could increase survival in cancer

Does aspirin increase survival in cancer patients? UK researchers say that despite the smaller side-effects of aspirin, taking the drug has an overall positive effect on survival for people with cancer. The team reviewed ...

Medical research

Study examines nicotine as a gateway drug

A landmark study in mice identifies a biological mechanism that could help explain how tobacco products could act as gateway drugs, increasing a person's future likelihood of abusing cocaine and perhaps other drugs as well, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How fear memories get stuck in some brains

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have discovered a biological mechanism that increases the strength with which fear memories are stored in the brain. The study, carried out in rats, is published in Molecular ...


Biological sex affects genes for body fat, cancer, birth weight

Biological sex has a small but ubiquitous influence on gene expression in almost every type of human tissue, reports a new study from Northwestern Medicine, the University of Chicago and the Centre for Genomic Regulation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Treating colon cancer with vitamin A

A leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, colon cancer is famously resistant to treatment. There are many reasons for this, but one has to do with a group of persisting cancer cells in the colon that cause relapses. Conventional ...


Why we differ in our ability to fight off gut infections

Τhe ability of the immune system to fight off bacterial, viral and other invading agents in the gut differs between individuals. However, the biological mechanism by which this happens is not well understood, but at least ...

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